We resurrected the costume box from the attic. Of course Star Wars was the order of the day.
We sure get a lot of mileage out of a Halloween costume. I am pleasantly surprised.
The older boys were long overdue for new shoes. I never imagined boys would enjoy shoe shopping but they happily jumped in the car with Steve. Maybe they were bored and just wanted to get out of the house.
Andy was thrilled with his sweet kicks. He ran through the house boasting about how he could run faster and jump higher. This morning he wanted to go out simply so he could wear his new shoes. A boy after my own heart.
We have reached an age where going out for dessert is more like fun and less like torture. We decided to dodge the raindrops and headed for Sweet Spoons in Apex. The boys love frozen yogurt and the self-serve is right up their alley. Andy and Eli entertained us with impromptu dance moves in between bites. Very cute. They even forgot about the heat for a minute and posed by the fountain for a photo.