Life keeps movin' right along for the five bees. This particular bee is a little disgruntled. Our new Pediatrician said the binky needed to go. Pronto. So we cut them up and threw them away. This picture sums up Andy's feelings about the whole situation. He has actually done really well, but struggles in the late afternoon and asks me to go buy some more. Nope.

We promised the boys a trip to the state fair. Eli didn't seem too excited about an outing, so Steve took Luke and Andy. They had a great time and Luke did a nice job of choosing rides that Andy was tall enough to ride.

Of course they chose all the motorcycle and monster truck rides. The weather was beautiful and apparently it was quite crowded, so they came home after lunch.

I was pretty content to stay at home and enjoy some time with Eli. I think he might be part beaver. If we don't keep an eye on him, he heads straight for the kitchen table and starts chewing on the chairs. It's a little pathetic. He has more toys than he could possibly chew on in one day, but he prefers the furniture. Great.
Such cute pictures! Amy used to chew on things like crazy. We have bite marks on lots of things around our house. Really brought down the resale value of her crib! Arg!