On this tenth day of this tenth month in the year two thousand and ten, what better subject to blog about then my favorite ten month old? He likes to sit up and take it all in. And let me just say there is a lot to take in around here. He laughs and squeals, enjoying the sound of his own voice, I think. I've started signing with him at meal times but I'm making about as much progress as I did with his brothers: zilch. He just tilts his head sideways and giggles. He is still crawl-resistant but manages to log roll across the room if he so desires. His brothers went camping yesterday and so we enjoyed some one on one time. He charmed all the ladies at Target. They were impressed with his mellow personality, I suppose. Really I think he is just in awe of riding upright in the cart after spending 10 months reclining in a car seat or stroller. It's a whole new world! He is one delightful little fella.
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