We went to the park this morning and he was quite enamored with the tunnel. He thought putting his face up to this hole was the funniest thing ever.
From the minute we got out of the car I could tell he was on a mission. He had his eye on the larger play structure and he wouldn't give up until he climbed to the top. He eventually worked up the courage to go down the spiral slide, squealing the whole way. I have longed for him to figure out how to walk. I want him to be able to experience the normal things that toddlers do. Some days it seems like he is never going to get there. But after an hour of chasing him I was thinking that his newly developed mobility will definitely change the dynamics of our park outings. I watched the other moms parked on the benches, casually sipping their iced coffee and chatting with their friends. As I loaded the boys back in their car seats, all of us hot, sweaty and exhausted, I sort of wondered when my time will come to sit and relax at the park. I'm days away from having just 1 child at home in the mornings but it looks like I'm a long way from a casual trip to the park. It's funny how life doesn't go quite like I expected, yet I see that sweet face peaking through that little hole in the tunnel and I am grateful.