Sunday, May 22, 2011

Next Stop: Toddlerville

Eli's physical therapy sessions involve cruising at the train table. I'm supposed to encourage him as much as possible until he can do it on his own. This is the first time I was able to walk away long enough to grab the camera. He must be feeling confident if he can smile at the camera. He actually played independently for quite awhile because I had to go into the other room and mediate a conflict. Imagine that.

He has taken an interest in this riding toy. Although he only pushes to go backward and lately he likes to prop his feet up next to the steering wheel.

The event I have avoided for weeks: the first haircut. This one is a milestone for me because inevitably when the hair gets shorter they don't seem like babies anymore. Eli seems like a baby because he doesn't cruise or walk independently yet. We sort of enjoyed an extended baby phase with him. However, the first haircut (and the frequent tantrums) indicates that we have arrived in toddlerville.

He is so eager to do what his brothers do. Lately we have filled the water table in the afternoons and played with squirt guns. Eli tries and tries to figure out how this particular water gun works.

Just hours after his haircut, he looks like a completely different child here. I think the baby phase is defnitely behind us.

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